Picnic at Silver Lake with Scott and Jana
Location: Silver Lake – Meet us at the Boat
Ramp right before the turnoff to Kit Carson Lodge.
48400 Kays Rd, Pioneer, CA 95666
(see map below)
Hike: 10 AM
Picnic: 12PM
Beat the heat and picnic at Silver Lake with Scott and Jana , as we celebrate the release of our delightful Tickle Me Pink cans! Silver Lake is just one hour away from Plymouth/Sutter Creek and almost 20 degrees cooler!
Come early for a hike up to Granite Lake with Scott and Jana at 10 AM or enjoy a hike among one of the many beautiful trails afterwards and enjoy the day your way!
Bring your own picnic and we’ll bring the wine!
Treat yourself with our new Tickle Me Pink cans, among an array of other delicious Scott Harvey & Jana Wines.
Limited spots available, RSVP HERE to reserve your spot!